AR Resource Finder

This application was created for the 2017 General Motors (GM) Arizona Hackathon. It integrated with existing GM services to locate resources (people, rooms, printers, bathrooms) in an augmented reality (AR) Android application.

The application utilizes a custom AR framework to display the resources on the screen. The application utilized multiple Android services like the location, compass, gyroscope, accelerometer & camera to position AR objects on the screen. A resource’s location was determined by comparing the user’s current location, height & compass position and the target resource’s location & height; the framework also weighted AR object size by distance from the user. On the backend, the application connected to a Node.js server to get general resource data like its positioning, availability, and status. Additionally, we developed a custom sensor with an Arduino to sense the availability of a bathroom stall and communicate the availability back to the server.

For this application, I developed a majority of the Android mobile application code. I completed the following tasks:


AR Resource Finder App Main Page

AR Resource Finder App Main Page

AR Person Finder

AR Person Finder

AR Printer Finder

AR Printer Finder

AR Bathroom Finder

AR Bathroom Finder