Travalet - OnStar Integrated Car Scheduler

This application was created for the 2016 General Motors Arizona Hackathon. It integrates the user’s email events with existing OnStar services.

The applciation utilizes Google’s Gmail API to find events in the future and automatically schedule oil changes, tire pressure stops and gas station stops. The application utilized different stop and end times for events, such as waking up the user, starting the car and the car leaving for the final destination. The application also automatically sends mapping data to the car before events and sets alarms to wake up the user. The backend is a Java server and the front end is an Android application.

For this application I completed most of the backend Java code. I completed the following tasks:


Travalet App Main Page

Travalet App Main Page

Travalet App Add Event Page

Travalet App Add Event Page

Travalet Server Web

Travalet Server Web